The Holy Spirit is a Teacher, and we have a lot to learn.
Let's start here...

Recorded December 24th, 2023
The Holy Spirit is a Soldier, and He's never not at war. 
Let's join the fight...

Recorded December 31st, 2023

The Holy Spirit is a Comforter,
and we have many fears.
Let's put them to rest...

Recorded January 7th, 2024

Some games have been around longer than others,
but people have been playing this one since the very beginning. 
The rules are simple, the stakes are high, and it ends exactly the same way every single time. 

Recorded May 7th, 2023
Homemade soup varies in price.
A good bowl can sell for anywhere between a few hundred to a couple thousand dollars.
Some people are willing to pay even more than that...for far, far less. 
It needn't surprise us though. We've all done it.

Recorded September 24th, 2023
Assuming that you’re born-again...and that you want your life to count for something more than a good education or a successful career can deliver…and that you understand how God is able to do anything through anyone at any time…

Assuming you want to be the kind of person God uses…this message is for you.

Recorded October 22nd, 2022
Assuming that you're familiar with God...and that you've been around the church long enough to know how things work in the Christian religion...and that you understand how God offers help, gives gifts, and answers prayer, all free of charge...

Assuming you already know and understand all these things...this message is for you.

Recorded October 23rd, 2022


Some storms are worse than others, but one tops them all. It's the kind of weather that changes everything, including you.

Prepare all you want, but you'll never really know what life is like on the other side until after the clouds have cleared.

Some people are infuriated when criminals are declared innocent.
It’s hard to believe that a certified judge with any integrity at all, would deliberately overlook the obvious...
...especially when they're so clearly guilty. And yet, it happens all the time.
Maybe WE'RE the ones overlooking the obvious?

Recorded March 6th, 2022
Having a new start on life is a wonderful gift of God.
It's hard to imagine how a genuine Christian with any faith at all, could just sit back and do nothing about it...
...especially when they're still so clearly impaired. And yet, it happens all the time.
Maybe they DON'T have a new life at all?

Recorded March 13th, 2022
Recorded August 8th, 2021
Recorded February 8th, 2012
Recorded March 20th, 2022
Recorded July 18, 2021
Recorded April 14, 2021
Recorded February 17, 2021
Recorded April 29, 2020
Recorded May 20, 2020
Recorded May 27, 2020
Recorded April 15, 2020
Recorded April 22, 2020
Recorded May 13, 2020
Recorded August 30, 2020
Recorded August 31, 2020
Recorded May 6th, 2018
Recorded May 19th, 2013
Recorded May 5th, 2013
Recorded June 17th, 2012
Recorded June 25th, 2017
Recorded May 27, 2012
Recorded May 7, 2017
Recorded October 30, 2016
Recorded September 23rd, 2012
Recorded June 2, 2019
Recorded June 12, 2016
Recorded April 29, 2018
Recorded June 16, 2019
Recorded October 22, 2017
Recorded May 19, 2019
Recorded at Believers Church - Duluth
Recorded November 9, 2014
Recorded May 25, 2014
Recorded January 12, 2020
Recorded January 20th, 2019
Recorded June 9th, 2013
Recorded June 16th, 2013
Recorded June 23rd, 2013
Recorded June 30th, 2013
Easter Message; 2020
Easter Message; 2014