Imagine living in a community where everything is upside-down.

A place where sorrow is a virtue, and begging is something to be envied.

Envision serving a King who told you to love the people you hate,

and hate the people you love.

Picture living among individuals who took greatest joy

in being mocked & assaulted & persecuted & killed.

Does that sound like home to you?

What do you see when you look back at your past...a mess of sin, deceit, & broken promises?
Tragedy & misfortune, abuse, rape, or even murder?
Do you sometimes wish you could forget the things you remember?
Well, try taking a closer look. You might actually see some grace, and mercy, and compassion back there. 
Jesus' mom gets a lot of attention. National Geographic magazine calls Mary "The most powerful woman in the world".
She's been the subject of innumerable paintings, appeared in over 80 comic books, and is among the most popular of tattoos.
...And you can be just like her if you really want to.
But answering God's 'call' has never been easy. Especially for a pregnant 12-year-old.
Worship has changed a lot over the years.
Back when it first started, people used to walk 500 miles across the desert to kiss the ground & give Jesus perfume.
But now we play 10 minutes of music before church & sing songs about Him...sometimes we even lift our hands in the air. 
2,000 years of worship practice and we're none the wiser.
No sooner does Jesus arrive, and trouble begins. Even as an infant, He forces hard decisions:
Do you let Him interrupt your life, change your plans, and rule your kingdom?
Or do you just kill Him so you can go on living as you please?
Unplanned pregnancy has never been easy, but this one is a real doozy.
Some things we hear go right over our head.
Other things go in one ear and out the other.
In most cases, we'll survive such negligence.
In other cases, it's lethal.
People from "Jerusalem, all Judea, and all the region around the Jordan" waded into the water with John the Baptist.
Hundreds, thousands...maybe more. 
There's no telling whether any of them ever found out what it was like to be baptized.
Just because you've stepped into the river of religion doesn't mean you really know how dirty the water actually is.
Being enticed by sin is one of the easiest things in the world.  
But if you really want a challenge, simply refuse to give in.
Once you decide to resist, temptation starts feeling like hell on earth.
Fishing for fish is one of the most hazardous trades on the planet...Fishing for men isn't much safer.
But it's not the inherent danger that keeps the work from getting done.
It's usually because the fishers aren't willing to leave their boat.
Imagine living in a community where everything is upside-down. A place where sorrow is a virtue, and begging is something to be envied.
What would it be like to serve a King who told you to love the people you hate, and hate the ones you love? 
 Or how it would feel to live among people who found great joy in being mocked & assaulted?  
Does that sound like home to you?
Like hamsters on a wheel, or rats in a race, all men pursue happiness, yet few will ever find it.
After all the effort we make, and all the money we spent, and all the gadgets we buy, we still haven't found what we're looking for.

Why is happiness so elusive? Are we reading the wrong books, or what?
There are some things this world can do without. 
(Frivolous things like whoopee cushions and Disneyland, for example).
But there are other things this world must always have if it hopes to survive. 
(Like salt, light, and Christians, to name a few).
Scores of people are interested in getting to heaven. 
Even more are eager to stay out of hell. 
Opinions differ on how, exactly, to reach those goals. 
But in this lesson, Jesus teaches that physical disfigurement might be a good place to start.
In a godless culture, divorce is a common practice. Exaggerations & empty promises are normative.
People are quick to hate & slow to love.

Who you grow up to BE depends on whose child you really ARE.
Some Christians spend their whole life praying, serving, & sacrificing, only to arrive in heaven with nothing to show for it.

Just because you impress other people with your religious devotion, doesn't mean God plans to reward you for it. 
It's really a question of motive.
Those who spend all their time & money chasing the American Dream 
are going to wake up one day and realize that they've been living a nightmare.

Jesus suggests you rethink your priorities before it's too late.
Experts say that fear is on the rise. 
Statistics indicate that people are more anxious than ever. 

Jesus says don't worry about it... The Bible identifies it as sin. 
Human beings are judgmental creatures by design.
The followers of Jesus are especially so.

And since nothing can stop us from doing it, we'd be wise to get it right.
Nobody follows Jesus just for the fun of it. 
We do it because this is life, and that's all. 

This is our way of living.

Every house is built from the ground up, and some look better than others.
But regardless of the visual appeal or the overall impressiveness of the structure, in the end, it's the foundation that counts.

And for those who've been careless about the construction...the forecast doesn't look good.
The moon is nearly a quarter million miles from earth. The sun is 376 times further than that. Heaven is even more distant yet.
Needless to say, Jesus is far, far away. But distance never stopped Him from reaching out and touching the most untouchable people in history.

Neither did sin, or sickness, or fatal disease.
Jesus told His disciples to "count the cost".
...and many did.

But very few were ever willing to pay the price.
Jesus has a universal reputation as a miracle-worker.
He can cure any disease, calm any storm, and tame any evil spirit. History proves it.

But is that all He's capable of? Can't He do any better than to just heal a person?  
Coming to Christ for salvation isn't a matter of the intellect, or of self-effort, or of prestige...
It's a matter of total desperation.

No one is further from the Kingdom of God than those who already have everything they need. 
Christians have been praying for thousands of years.
All of them hoping that God will answer their prayer.

But how many of us have what it takes to become a prayer answered?
Vocations of all kinds vie for the title of “the world’s toughest job”. Commercial fishing is one that seems to be near the top of every list.
Yet there is one occupation that never seems to makes the list at all.

It's a job so tough, that even Scripture records men abandoning it so they can go back to the much easier work of commercial fishing.
Some things just don't mix very well in the natural world.
Sheep & wolves, oil & water, stuff like that.

And putting them together in the same container sure helps to clarify which is which.
It's never easier to start doubting Jesus than when your life falls apart.
We expect Him to come to our immediate rescue, take away the pain, and fix every problem.
And in some cases, perhaps, He actually will.
But I doubt it.
Men & women have always been interested in knowing what their destiny entails. Using everything from fortune cookies to cats, and crystal balls to herring fat, people are desperate to know what tomorrow will bring.

But thanks be to God, predicting your future isn't nearly as hard as you might think.
Where do you go when you're tired? 
Most people go to bed & go to sleep, only to wake up as restless as they were before they laid down. 

In this passage, Jesus invites us to rest in a way that seems right to Him.
A lot of people are afriad to give Christ control of their calendar.
Saturdays have always been an issue for the Jewish people, but Sundays are no less a problem for many Americans.

But whether we like it or not, Jesus is Lord over every single day of the week.
Envy is a gateway sin. So is frustration, anger, and resentment.
These are the kinds of things that pave the way for the greatest moral violation on record.

And the closer you get to the edge, the easier it is to slide all the way in.
Some people need very little proof to believe the truth about Jesus. Other people never have enough.

But regardless of the AMOUNT that God provides,
there's always plenty of evidence to either save, or to condemn.
Jesus was a storyteller. He told all kinds of stories concerning all kinds of things.
One of His most fascinating, is the story He told with reference to dirt.

It's the one where He talks all about you.
If Jesus' preaching was clear, bold, & controversial, then why were His parables so unclear, flat, & accommodating?
His preaching cut to the heart, but His parables went over their heads.
His preaching shocked the masses, while His parables only confused them.
For many, it remains a mystery. But certainly, there must be a story behind the stories...
Wheat is wonderful! It feeds 2.38 billion people, contains all kinds of essential vitamins,
and even plays a role in preventing some types of cancer. Wheat is healthy, nutritious, and full of life.

But then again, things aren't always what they appear to be. 
Happy or sad, comedy or tragedy...Most stories are easy to categorize as one or the other.
But the parables that Jesus told seem to be a combination of both.
Like it or not, the Kingdom of Heaven is bittersweet. 
Which is probably why we've added so much sugar to the recipe.
How many sins does it take to ruin a person's life?
Or how many times can someone violate their own conscience before they finally go crazy?

(Way less than the number of licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, that's for sure).
Jesus has all kinds of things He wants to teach His disciples, and He spares no expense in their training.
He'll even bring them face to face with sorrow, grief, death, fatigue, perplexity, hunger, isolation,
fear, failure, exhaustion, or embarrassment if that’s what it takes.
...Sometimes all in the same day. 
Most of us learned about the digestive system by the time we were in the 4th grade. 
Some of Christ's disciples, however, still have a lot to learn about what it means to eat bread.

That's ok though. Jesus can turn anything into a teachable moment.
We've been told that our Heavenly Father feeds the birds of the air.
They never lack anything, even though they don't sow, or reap, or gather into barns.

But what about dogs? They run in packs, kill sheep, and attack children. Would Jesus ever feed them?
Obedience is a vital lesson to learn for dogs & disciples both.
But Jesus doesn't want His disciples to act like dogs forever.

Somewhere along the way they need to start thinking for themselves.
Some people are like puppets...perfectly obedient as long as the ventriloquist tells them exactly what to do and how to talk.
But once the puppeteer leaves the stage, they're no better than dead.
Christ's disciples won't get very far in life on obedience alone.
There comes a point where they need to learn how to act on their own.
Dorothy once said, "Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore". But the truth is, she never WAS in Kansas. The Wizard of Oz was filmed in California.
When Luke Skywalker said, "May the force be with you", he didn't really mean it. It was just part of the script.

But when Jesus said, "Take up your cross and follow me", He wasn't kidding. Every last Christian was born to die.
There are some dark realities inherent to following Jesus, but it's not ALL doom & gloom.
Glory is as much of a guarantee for the Christian as suffering is.  

It really helps to look on the bright least every once in a while. 
It's tempting to live in the "glory days" of the past,
but Jesus always pushes His disciples forward.

Learning to trust in God's power & provision requires a Christian to live in the moment.
It's shocking to see how silly Jesus' disciples act sometimes...selfish, and stubborn, and disobedient.
Unfortunately, some of them will never grow out of it.

The real secret to spiritual maturity isn't to STOP behaving like a child...It's actually becoming just like one.
We've discovered a drug that's accessible, legal, & ultra popular.
It's more addictive than heroin, cheaper than weed, and it's destroyed more families than cocaine, meth, & fentanyl put together.

It's called "unforgiveness", and it's time to sober up. You need to let it go.
Falling in love is dangerous, because, after all, you're falling.
Nobody ever says they are "rising" into love. We all fall. And many crash.

That alone is enough to keep some from taking "this ghastly risk".
Sources report that children make roughly 3,000 choices a day. Adults on the other hand, make approximately 35,000 of them.

What that tells us, is that the average grown-up is over ten times at risk
of making a very regrettable, life-altering, soul-jeopardizing decision than a child is.
At the end of the day, everyone in the Kingdom of Heaven gets the same compensation, regardless of how hard or how long they've worked.

For that reason, some people think Jesus would make a lame Little League coach.
Others, however, would jump at the chance to play for His team.
When people aspire to become somebody great in this world, they aim to be a doctor, a governor, or an Olympian.
Their goal is to be rich, famous, & powerful.

When people in God's kingdom aspire to become somebody great, they aim for slavery, because their goal is to be like Christ.
Grace is only amazing to those who know they need it.
That's why so few are actually changed by it.

It all comes down to whether you can actually SEE...just how blind you really are. 
Britain crowned a new king last month, and few would describe the ceremony as "modest".
With jewels & orbs, and scepters & horses, it was all rather...magnificent.
But that's just the way it's always been.
Except, of course, for the time when the King of king Charles III got coronated.
God has the right to expect results from the parts of His creation that He designed to produce it.
Random fig trees are one of those parts, the nation of Israel is another.

And God won’t hesitate to curse either one if it fails to produce the fruit He anticipates.
Have you ever lost your job?
Maybe you've gotten fired for being lazy, or unproductive, or dishonest.
But have you ever been terminated for reoccurring murder?
It's happened before, you know.
How would you like to have an all-expenses paid trip to the greatest wedding in human history?
One where you'll be treated to a series of feasts, all fit for a King. You'll be provided with priceless garments, tailor-made.
And best of all, you'll meet the Sovereign Himself, face-to-face.
Répondez s'il vous plaît.
Life is full of tough questions,
and Jesus has answers for them all.

Problem is, we don't always like what He says. 
Have you heard the story of the woman with seven dead husbands?
No one knows how they all died, but some people believe they're still alive.

It's a tale so tall, it makes even Snow White seem credible.
It's wise to examine a product to see if it's dependable before you really entrust yourself to it 
(especially when your life is at stake).
A parachute for example, or a lifejacket...not to mention a prospective Savior!
The Messiah, without question, more than anyone else in human history, should be thoroughly checked for flaws!
Procrastination is a dangerous game to play with Jesus, and still, multitudes have done it.
Everybody knows that the clock is winding down, yet we go on living like we've got all the time in the world.

Well, what if this were The Last Call? Would you finally get on board with God, or would you postpone your decision again?
Terminal illness. It's the topic of a conversation nobody wants to have.
It requires the use of words that no one wants to hear, and no one wants to speak.

Even Jesus Himself would avoid having a conversation like this if He could. But some things are just inevitable.
It's hard to imagine a world without color, or trees, or ice cream. But it's not that difficult to imagine a world without God.
He's already told us, in vivid detail, what it would be like to live in a world like that.

Strangely, it looks a lot like the one we currently live it.
It's no secret that the world is going to end, but not until Jesus pays us another visit.
When He does, there'll be no more hiding, and it'll be too late to seek.

Nobody knows exactly when it'll happen, but He IS coming back, whether we're ready or not.
A little negligence with the car keys can keep you out of your vehicle for a while.
A little carelessness with your house keys can put you in a hotel for a night.

But when it comes to spiritual matters, irresponsibility can get you locked out of heaven forever.
No one can say for sure whether "all dogs go to heaven" or not.
But the Bible's pretty clear: ...Not all "Christians" will.

Just because a person "serves" God, doesn't necessarily mean Jesus will approve of what they've done.
It's easy to confuse a goat for a sheep.
After all, they sound the same, smell the same, and graze side-by-side with each other.

The big difference between sheep & goats, however, won't really be seen until the Shepherd returns.
"Y.O.L.O."...a trendy little acronym that reminds us that we only live once.
That being the case, we'd better decide what our priorities are, and stick to them.

Will we use what we've been given to worship the Lord Jesus Christ, or will we waste it all on something else?
Long ago, Jesus ate a meal with His disciples.
The food was traditional, and the mood was somber.

And though He got killed before He ever had a chance to eat again, it was NOT His "last supper".
There are some things that we just can't do without, like food, water, or shelter.
But for Jesus, stuff like that was trivial compared to His relationship with God.

Nothing hurt worse than losing that.
The world's most wanted criminals are usually the hardest people to find. Except for Jesus.
When the time came to arrest Him, He was right where they knew He'd be. He didn't run, hide, or fight back in any way.

In fact, He wouldn't let anyone, or anything, stop it from happening.
In this case, Christ falls into the hands of sinners who spit in His face and punch Him in the mouth.
And by doing so, they get His blood all over their own hands.

By the look of it, Jesus seems to be the one who was on trial. But nothing could be further from the truth.   
Hey Christian, how far do you plan on walking with Christ?
Because some disciples only follow Jesus up to the point where they deny Him. After that, they disembark the ship or sink altogether.

Only the strongest sailors will weather the storm and make it to shore. 
Paychecks aren't given by mistake, which is why nobody's surprised to get one. They know they've already earned it.

The same is true in the spiritual realm.
No one should be shocked at what a person receives after years of secret sin.
Decisions, decisions.
You can postpone making them, or try avoiding them altogether, but that doesn't make them go away.
When the responsibility is yours, decisions can't be pushed off on somebody else.
Especially the critical ones.
Jesus’ death on the cross doesn’t just say “I love you enough to do this”,
it also asks, “Do you love me enough to do the same?"

Love can be ugly, repulsive, and downright offensive. Especially when it's done right. 
Most Facebook users know how it feels to be "unliked".
Yet there's only one person who understands how it feels to be rejected by the whole world at once, including God Himself.

Only now, with over 2.3 billion "followers", He's made an unprecedented comeback. 
There are days in a person's life that are important to remember.
Holidays, birthdays, weddings...and, of course, funerals.

Though most of us would rather not attend the latter, there's one funeral, in particular, that you'll never want to forget.
The resurrection of Jesus is the epicenter of the Christian faith.
For some, however, it's a mere myth.

Those who believe in the risen Lord are guaranteed eternal life. Those who deny Him are headed for a real aftershock.

Christianity is like a multi-generational relay race. Each century runs its own leg, but it's still a team sport. And all the training in the world means very little if, in the end, you drop the baton.