New ministries are launched every day. With 4,000 churches planted each year in the U.S. alone, believers are pooling resources, renting spaces, and choosing leaders at an unprecedented rate.
But Scripture begs the question: Are they actually ready to do that just yet?
They say that language differences are a "barrier" to direct communication, and that linguistic variations are a challenge to the spread of the Gospel.
While that may be true on some level, it isn't always the case.
If and when God decides to make a point, He can easily make it loud & clear.
A lot of Christians have never experienced the power of God in their life. Sometimes it's because they're too critical of the church or so enamored with the world.
But most modern Christians aren't walking with Christ simply because they're perfectly content to keep living like beggars.
We're all familiar with names like Jimmy Stewart, John Belushi, and Marilyn Monroe. They all died a long time ago, yet they're still famous for their acting skills.
But have you ever heard of Ananias & Sapphira? They're dead too.
Evangelism is not a spiritual gift, and for that reason, some Christians will dismiss themselves from the work. In doing so, however, they may be leaving entire countries & continents in the dark without even realizing it.
If only they were willing to take the road less traveled.
It's not hard to tell whether a caterpillar has turned into a butterfly. If it has emerged from a cocoon, spread its wings, and flown away, the answer is obvious.
But what about a Christian?
How can you really tell if there's been a true conversion?
Acceleration takes effort, which is why it's always so tempting to coast. But when Christians quit moving forward, the effects are potentially catastrophic.
The worst thing a Christian could ever nothing.
With an estimated 100,000 churches predicted to close in the next several decades, it stands to reason that many of them are on life-support as we speak.
Is there any way for the sick ones to recover? What does a healthy church even look like anymore?
Churches come in all shapes & sizes, but what makes ours unique? Is it the way we exercise the spiritual gifts, our style of worship, or our denominational affiliation?
What if we just quit trying to be like everyone else and let God to turn us into the kind of church He wants us to be? How different would things look then?
Some fathers tell their children to "choose their battles". They just want their kids to recognize when they should fight, and when they should walk away.
God in Heaven is one such Father. He's always taught His children to fight for souls.
Even though you believe in Jesus and serve God, it seems like life keeps getting worse. And so, like countless other Christians, you give up and go home.
Only to realize that you didn't escape hell at all. You've only left paradise.
Only those who pay the price to follow Christ will truly understand what a privilege it is to share Jesus with the lost. The Apostle Paul was one of them.
And by shamelessly preaching the Gospel before men, Paul himself became the fulfillment of certain prophecies as well.
With over 47,000 Christian denominations worldwide, the church is no stranger to division. Rather than putting aside our differences to meet in the middle, we split.
Maybe we should try a little harder to love each other in the house of God?
If for no other reason, then for the sake of fellowship.
Saying goodbye is never easy. Especially after you've spent so many years together, traveled the world with one another, and endured so much for the same cause.
Unless of course, you can't stand each other anymore. Then it's not all that hard.
Flat tires, washouts, delays...there are a hundred things that can stop you from going where you want to go.
But when it comes to spreading the Gospel, there's nothing in the whole world that could ever get in your way.
Prison ministry has been around for a very long time now, and not much has changed. Institutions are still places of violence, abuse, and suicide. But chains are still being broken, doors are still being opened, and souls are still being saved.
Jesus has always done some of His best work behind bars.
With 19 million college students flocking to over 6 thousand universities, paying an average of $30,000 per year you'd think that idolatry would be on the decline.
Yet for all our learning we still can't seem to find God among all the distractions of American life. stupid can we get?
Looking for diamonds isn't an easy job. It's dirty, laborious, & routinely discouraging. Finding the saints in a city full of sin is no less difficult.
You only get one chance to choose what’s right & live for Christ...what will you do? You only have a certain amount of passion to pour into something...what will it be?
There is a purpose for which you were created...have you found it yet?
Statistics show that 1.2 million people leave their church each year. That's a rate of 3,500 per day. And of all those people, how many could honestly say that they left their church like the Apostle Paul always did?
The best runners in the world are the ones who are willing to die in order to win. They're the ones who push themselves to the absolute limit, like they've got nothing left to lose. But before they go, they always pass the baton to someone else, because the best runners in the world don't want to finish alone.
What if you were surrounded by trusted friends who kept telling you that doing God's Will might get you killed? Would you let yourself be talked out of it?
Or would you just keep serving God the way you're supposed to?
Nobody knows just how many chapters it'll have by the time it ends, but that shouldn't be your concern. What you really need to worry about is whether you're letting Jesus Christ write the script.
Paul was more than just an Apostle of Jesus Christ; he was the victim of physical assault. And it had a profound effect on him. His life would never be the same again after that. But now he's come face-to-face with his assailants, and he's going to speak freely about his experience.