Studies show that State Universities are a great place to lose your faith.

By emphasizing outward appearance over inward beauty, and intellectual prowess over spiritual integrity,
schools everywhere are turning our youth into fools...
...with a few exceptions.  
Serving the king can be risky business. 
Especially when he's notoriously temperamental & unpredictable.
You never know whether you're going to get promoted...or dismembered.

The safest thing you could do, is to serve the King of kings.
The past is a nightmare for some people. For others it's their future.

Either way you look at it, there's hope for those who trust in Christ. 
And none for those who don't.
Though the temperature threshold may be higher for some metals than others, all of them have a melting point.
Each with a particular level of heat it can tolerate before it finally dissolves.
The same can be said of men as well. Societal pressure tends to liquify them.
But some are always much more heat resistant than others. 
It's of such value, some would say it's priceless. It's so rare, some would say it's hardly worth the effort to find. 
It's weighty, it's coveted, and it's beautiful, but not until after it's been tested and refined.

And I'm not referring to gold. We're talking about something far more precious. 
Pride is ugly.
It's an affront to God's sovereignty, it's a declaration of war against heaven, and it will literally drive you insane.

Good, old-fashioned humility is the only thing that can keep a person from becoming dumb as an ox. 
For some people, life is just one big party.
They eat and they drink as if there were no tomorrow.

And in some cases, they are absolutely right.
This sermon will be delivered before too long
and uploaded once it's ready.

Please stay tuned.