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If the first 65 books of the Bible haven't done enough to expose us to the reality of Jesus Christ, this last one will.
The Book of Revelation is God's final attempt to introduce the human race to His only begotten Son before it's too late.

Are you prepared you meet Jesus Christ?

Christians have been learning about Jesus on the Lord's Day for nearly 2,000 years now, 
but when was the last time anybody blacked-out because of it? 

Historical records show that it happened in 96 A.D...and we happen to have the transcript...

As the old saying goes, all work and no play made Jack a dull boy.
And as the Bible warns, all work and no love puts a church on the endangered species list.

Never is the future of a ministry in greater jeopardy than when their love FOR Christ is eclipsed by their service TO Him.
Some Christians need to stop LIVING for Jesus, and start DYING for Him instead.
Some of those Christians lived in the ancient Asian city of Smyrna.

Other ones are currently living in Duluth, MN.
Some ministries pride themselves on making everyone feel equally welcome.
Saint & sinner alike come together for fellowship as if there was nothing to be concerned about.

Even the devil himself feels at home in a place like that. 
Hell is a very accommodating place. Every form of selfishness & sin is tolerated, and anybody is accepted. 
The church in Thyatira had become just like that...Tolerant as hell.

Jesus saw it all, and it made Him mad enough to kill.   
Christians, churches, & entire denominations have learned how to do the work of Christ apart from the help & direction of His Holy Spirit. They've been doing it for generations already, and probably will for years to come.

How long does it take for a ministry like that to realize it's already dead?
Just because a ministry is small, weak, & unimposing doesn't mean they've failed to honor God.
Some of the best churches in Christian history have been the least impressive.
The real mark of spiritual integrity is to remain faithful while we wait for "doors of opportunity" to be opened for us. 
Some churches follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Other churches excommunicate Him. 
Some people worship & serve God. Other people sicken Him.

Funny thing is, in a culture like ours, you can't always see the difference between the two.
Airplanes crash (that's why there's ejection seats), and ships sink (that's why they make life rafts).
Having a backup plan is always a good idea, just in case disaster strikes.

So what is your plan for when the world finally ends? How will you get out alive?
God became a man and died on a cross. By His blood we were ransomed from our sins.
The debt has been paid in full, and the transaction cannot be undone. It is history.

Even still, we're not yet fully redeemed. Just because the adoption fees have been paid doesn't mean the child can't still be left at the orphanage.
Everything in God's creation has a breaking point; the sun, the moon, the stars...even you.
Physical bodies can only tolerate so much sin before they begin falling apart at last.

And once tribulation starts, the sequence of events that ensue are fairly predictable, whether globally or individually.
The Great Tribulation has finally begun, and the future of mankind has never looked so bleak.
Fire & brimstone...Conflict & cruelty...Destruction, distress, & death. And worst of all, Jesus says that this is "just the beginning"...

What's so "Great" about this Tribulation anyway?
The eye of a hurricane is relatively calm and quiet. The sky is blue, the air is warm... 
Some people have wrongly believed that the storm was actually over, when nothing could be further from the truth.

The eye of a hurricane isn’t the end of the destruction at all. It’s only a grim reminder that the worst is yet to come.
There'll come a day when suicide rates fall to absolute zero and stay there for a remarkable length of time.
The reason why nobody kills them self, however, won't be for lack of effort or'll be for lack of permission.

In cases like these, the only thing worse than dying, is being forced to live through hell on earth.
Christian faith won't protect you from life's troubles. Everyone eventually, and in some measure,  will experience tribulation. 
The noticeable difference between believers & unbelievers, however, is not in who FACES it, but who SURVIVES it. 

Pain & suffering are a reality for all, but only genuine faith can stomach the truth. 
Waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve can feel like forever to an eager child.
Waiting for Christ's return feels no different for the saints. That's why it's so exciting to know that the delay is almost over.

The end is near, and unlike the overweight mythical figure of our childhood, Jesus is actually coming back. 
We have an unseen enemy that can ruin even the greatest, most holy servants of God.
Every Christian is involved in a life-and-death struggle that even angels have lost. 

The important question is not whether you're at war, but whether you're willing to put up a fight.
The devil needs help... 
Unlike God, Satan is without sovereignty, and depends upon the cooperation of others to achieve his goals.

He's always on the lookout for the very best, but he'll recruit just about anybody...Are you available any time soon?
The same tribulation that brings out the best in some, brings out the worst in others.
They say it's not the temperature of the water that makes the ultimate difference...but the quality of the tea.

It takes a certain kind of man to survive hell on earth.
It's been said, "You never know what tomorrow may bring" ...But what if you actually DID know?
And what if it brought loathsome sores & rivers of blood? Scorching heat & searing pain? What if tomorrow brought darkness & demons & death?

...Wouldn't it be marvelous?
You probably know already that your time on this earth is limited.
But have you ever wondered how much time the sun has left before it dies?  

What about Mount Everest? What about the Mississippi? How about Sao Paulo, or Shanghai, or Hawaii? 
It shouldn't be hard to distinguish a blushing bride from a drunken harlot.
Unless, of course, the harlot pretends to be someone she's not.

That's when people have a hard time seeing the difference.
The world has been treating God like garbage ever since Babel.
It won't be long now before God returns the favor and trashes the world.

What a shame when people forfeit their soul to try and keep what's destined for the landfill.
The greatest event of all time hasn't happened so far, but the date is already set.
Not everyone has made their reservations yet, but there is still time if you want to come.

Please R.S.V.P.
Some people make big promises, but never get around to keeping them.
Jesus isn't one of those people. It might take Him a while, but He will, one day, return like He said He would.

Ready or not...He will come...
Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ has never been known for thievery.
He doesn't make a habit of breaking & entering, nor do His followers have a reputation for receiving stolen goods.

One day soon, however, all of that is going to change.
Every single unbeliever will eventually have their day in God's court, no matter if they were a Pope or a pedophile.
And each one will be judged from the same books, no matter if they were Nebraskan, Norwegian, or Nazi.

No one will be allowed to one will be able to hide.  And once the verdict is given, the decision is irreversible. 
When Pat Sajak tells people how to claim their trip to the Bahamas, they sometimes hug him.
If he started telling people what it took to go to heaven, however, they might try to kill him.

It's amazing how unimpressed people can be with an "all-expenses-paid" trip to Paradise.
What would it be like to live in a city that was illuminated by the Lord instead of the sun?
A city built with gemstones instead of concrete, gold instead of asphalt, and pearls instead of iron?

God will give us a glimpse, even though we can't yet see it with our own eyes. 

Mankind wasn't always cursed like he is right now. Nor will he be forever. The hardship we face today is nothing more than a brief interruption in the perfect life God designed for us to live. 

When will everything return to normal? It all depends on when Jesus comes back. .